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The year in Blue Cross health news

December 29, 2021

The end the year is the perfect time to step back and reflect on everything that’s happened over the past 12 months. As we are planning for the new year, we looked through the data to discover what mattered most to readers in our most-read health articles.

No. 10 – We needed some good news

Unsurprisingly, nine of our top ten most popular articles in 2021 were all related to COVID-19. However, rounding it out was this article about virtual music therapy sessions for older adults in long-term care settings. It spoke to the hearts of our readers knowing how much isolation Minnesota seniors were experiencing because of the pandemic.


No. 9 – Minnesota’s favorite radio personality John Hines

Taking the number nine spot on our list is John Hines’s article, Seniors Taking ‘Return to Normal’ at Different Speeds that shared the results of a Blue Cross survey of Minnesota seniors. The survey was conducted before the Delta variant was prominent in Minnesota, vaccinations were not yet available for children under age 12 and boosters were not yet approved. But the overall theme of focusing on health – both mental and physical – and respecting the needs and limitations of others remains constant.

No. 8 – No. 1 - Another year dominated by COVID-19 news

This year, we hoped the pandemic was going to fade into memory and many fought “COVID fatigue.” Unfortunately, the Delta variant made it clear the pandemic was not over. As our guiding voice for readers regarding COVID-19, Dr. Mark Steffen, chief medical officer at Blue Cross, helped us answer some of the most pressing questions we received from members, relying on trusted sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).

As new information and guidance becomes available, relevant articles are updated, including our top article of 2021, in which Dr. Steffen answers common questions about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Dr. Steffen also recently shared his personal story about bringing his young son to get the COVID-19 vaccine. His point of view as a physician and a parent has helped address concerns from parents after the vaccine was approved for children as young as five years old.

Making a healthy difference

While COVID-19 may dominate the headlines, other areas of our lives require focus as well.

  • For women who are pregnant, we shared information about the benefits of adding a doula to the pregnancy and childbirth care team. We also dug deeper to unpack the critical benefits of having doula services for BIPOC women and families.
  • With many children back in school full time this year, we shared critical information about watching for a potential surge in teen vaping addiction as well as resources to support young people in their journeys to quit.
  • Whether you’re caring for children, aging parents, a spouse or other loved ones, caregiving can be all encompassing. So we shared how to recognize and address caregiver burnout in a variety of ways.
  • If the person you’re caring for is living with a chronic condition or pain, or if this describes you, palliative care can help with symptom management. This article tells you how.
  • Finally, if you haven’t yet received your flu shot, now is better than never. It helps protect you and your loved ones from this year’s strain of the flu. Because, let’s face it, you don’t need the flu to deal with on top of everything else.

Thank you for looking to Blue Cross to provide trusted health resources throughout the year. We look forward to sharing valuable insights and information in the years to come.

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