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Six questions to ask your doctor about your prescription medication

October 18, 2019

There are many reasons health care professionals prescribe medication to their patients. From short-term pain management and bacterial infections to high blood pressure and cholesterol, millions of Americans take prescription drugs, often on a daily basis.

But the more you know about the medications you take, the more safely you can use them. Kirsten Tiberg, pharmacy director at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, advises asking these six questions whenever your health care provider prescribes medication.

1. Is there another way to treat my condition?

Lifestyle changes and/or drug-free therapies can reduce or eliminate the need for prescription drugs for some conditions. Your doctor may be able to suggest other ways to help manage your condition.

2. What is this medication and what is it for?

Some drugs can treat more than one condition. Be sure you know the name of the drug, why you need it and what could happen if you don’t take it. And even if you’re feeling better, never stop taking your medicine without first talking with your doctor.

3. Is this a generic medication, or is there a generic alternative?

Generic medications cost much less than brand-name medication and are just as safe and effective.  If a generic isn’t available, ask if there is a less expensive medication alternative that can treat your condition.

4. How should I take this drug?

Be sure you’re taking your medication the right way. Discuss if you need to take the medicine with food or at certain times of the day and always ask what to do if you miss a dose. Ask for how long you will need to take the medication and if you will need refills.

5. When will I start to feel better and are there side effects?

Know how long it will take for your medication to start working, what, if any, side effects to expect and how long they may last. Be sure you understand the signs of serious side effects or allergic reactions and know when to call your health care provider.

6. Is it safe to take this drug with other medications?

Some drugs may cause problems when taken with other medications, vitamins or supplements. Other medications may require regular tests to make sure the levels of the drug in your body are safe. Be sure to ask if you need testing and how often. Your pharmacist can also answer questions you have about your medications.

Final reminder

When you head into your next appointment, Tiberg also offers that reminder that it is helpful to come in with your questions written down so you don't forget anything while you're there.

“When you speak to your health care provider or pharmacist, be sure to write down a list of questions you might have so you’ll remember to ask for all the information you need,” says Tiberg. “It helps empower you to take charge of your health and use the time you have with your health care provider to learn as much about your condition and medications as possible.”

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