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Make the Great American Smokeout your opportunity to quit commercial tobacco or vaping

November 18, 2021

The Great American Smokeout — Thursday, November 18 — is the annual day to consider quitting smoking, vaping or chewing.

We all know that the last few years have been full of challenges. Recent data show that Americans may have been turning to cigarettes and other forms of commercial tobacco in greater numbers to alleviate stress and anxiety for many reasons — a global pandemic, economic uncertainty, social isolation – to name just a few.

Of course, we now know that using commercial tobacco or vaping may initially feel like it helps with the physical symptoms of stress or anxiety but it actually exacerbates symptoms, creating a vicious cycle.

Tobacco companies and the pandemic economy

It is not surprising that people turned to cigarettes and other forms of tobacco and nicotine as a result of the pandemic. In 2020, tobacco companies increased their advertising and promotion to $7.84 billion, from $7.624 billion the previous year. Much of that was spent on price discounts and such as coupons and other promotions to lower the cost of cigarettes.

As a result, people purchased cigarettes in bulk quantities in 2020, like toilet paper and other products that became scarce, fearing shortages.

Make Great American Smokeout your Day One

The Great American Smokeout is an annual day created by the American Cancer Society to encourage people to quit smoking, vaping or chewing tobacco. Whether you choose today as your quit day, or three months from now, quitting is the best way to reduce your risk of severe illness from COVID-19, chronic conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer. In fact, lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in the United States.

Health risks of COVID-19 greater for smokers and vapers

Whether someone chooses to smoke or vape, the damage to their lungs can put them at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.

Chemicals in cigarette smoke cause inflammation in the lung tissue, allowing lung illnesses to take hold more easily. Smoking can increase the severity of a lung infection, reduce immunity and interfere with the body’s ability to recover from lung illnesses.

Likewise, initial studies also show that vaping may cause increased inflammation in the lungs. Vaping aerosol has heavy metals, fine particulates, flavorings and other chemicals that can embed into the lung tissue.

Quitting tobacco and health equity

Communities of color, low-income communities and those with mental illness or substance use disorders use tobacco or vape at disproportionately high levels compared to other groups. Tobacco companies know this and focus on these communities and individuals.

5 practical tips to help you quit tobacco

Wherever you are in your quit journey, making the decision to quit tobacco use is a big step. Here are five practical steps that can help you along the way.

  1. Mindset matters!
    Be ready. Although you may have mixed feelings about quitting right now, being strong enough in your resolve to quit will prevent you from having to start over.
  2. “Why” is now the time?
    Determine your compelling ”why” and commit to it. Writing down your reasons for quitting will be a solid reminder of why quitting is important to you.
  3. What is the best approach for you?
    Decide on the best approach for you. Not every approach works for everyone. Choose a starting place you feel may most effectively help you stay on track. Nicotine replacement therapies, medication, going “cold turkey,” slowly decreasing your use, setting a quit date – all can be effective strategies.  Talk to your doctor f you would like to explore  medications or nicotine replacement therapies .
  4. Be Mindful of your habits.
    Be aware of your habits around tobacco use and change routines around those habits. Stay away from what tempts you, focusing more on the activities that keep you away from tobacco.
  5. Celebrate the small successes!
    Give yourself grace if you slip. Keep moving forward from where you are. Keep your “why” in the forefront. Set up rewards that will motivate you to keep moving forward.

Quitting commercial tobacco or vaping is not easy for many people. It’s important to remember that this is your journey. Your experience will be different than anyone else’s. You will find joy and success in unique moments and challenges in others.

If you need added support, there are many resources available that can help you stay on track. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota members can benefit from our Tobacco Support Program or call 1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669) to discover resources available to you.

Blue Cross has been a longtime advocate for tobacco cessation programs and tobacco industry transparency, going back to our landmark lawsuit against and settlement with tobacco companies more than 20 years ago.

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