By Alexis Stanley - Communications and Advocacy Consultant

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Reducing the cost of smoking in Minnesota

March 8, 2024

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota has a long history of leading efforts to reduce commercial tobacco use in our home state. In the early 1990s, Blue Cross joined the State of Minnesota as a co-plaintiff in landmark litigation against the tobacco industry. For more than 25 years, we have stayed true to our commitment of investing settlement funds from that litigation to reduce commercial tobacco use through the Blue Cross Center for Prevention.

While much progress has been made in reducing commercial tobacco use rates over the last couple of decades, the latest data indicates that there is still a long way to go. A new report, commissioned by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, shows the significant toll that commercial tobacco takes on both lives and dollars in our state. This impact is experienced most directly in communities that are targeted by Big Tobacco and already face significant racial and health inequities.

The findings make clear the need for urgent and immediate action.

The newly released Cost of Smoking Report shows that in 2021:
  • Minnesotans spent an estimated $4.7 billion on smoking-related healthcare expenses. This breaks down to $824 per resident, emphasizing how everyone in Minnesota bears a portion of this financial burden.
  • There were 6,530 deaths attributable to smoking in Minnesota, marking a 3.5 percent increase over the past decade.
  • Premature death due to smoking led to approximately 81,000 years of potential life lost and about $4.7 billion in lost productivity.
  • When considering both healthcare expenses and lost productivity, the cost of smoking in Minnesota skyrockets to an estimated $9.4 billion.
Putting costs in perspective

The $4.7 billion in excess health care costs associated with smoking could also fund:

  • The construction of 471 community centers
  • One year of K-12 education for 273,768 students
  • Building four U.S Bank stadiums
  • 16 years of maintenance for all state parks, lakes, and recreational facilities
  • 94,160 jobs paying $50,000 per year
How we can reduce these costs

It has long been established that the tobacco industry targets communities that face significant racial and health inequities. Ending the sale of menthol and flavored tobacco products would be a critical step toward addressing these inequities in Minnesota, especially considering that young people, Black, LGBTQ+, and Native American communities are disproportionately targeted. By allowing the continued sale of these commercial tobacco products, the cycle of harm is perpetuated, and lives continue to be lost – especially in communities that are already marginalized.

The Minnesotans for a Smoke-free Generation, a coalition supported and co-chaired by Blue Cross, was key in successfully advocating for two state policies passed in 2023 to further reduce commercial tobacco addiction. The new legislation:

  1. Dedicates Juul settlement funding to the Minnesota Department of Health’s commercial tobacco prevention and cessation efforts
  2. Expands Medicaid coverage for tobacco treatment and broadens the types of providers that can bill for reimbursement

In partnership with Advocates for Better Health, additional progress was made to eliminate the sale of menthol and flavored tobacco products in Minnesota, which is a key priority of the Blue Cross Center for Prevention in 2024. Advocates for Better Health brought physicians and medical students to the legislative session to advocate for these policies.

As Minnesota charts its course forward, the urgency of enacting policies that transcend regional boundaries cannot be overstated. Waiting for federal mandates is not a viable option in the face of rising smoking-related deaths and escalating healthcare costs. By taking the lead in banning menthol and flavored tobacco products statewide, Minnesota can set a precedent for prioritizing public health and equity. The efforts of advocates, policymakers and the public must converge to ensure that the next chapter in Minnesota's fight against commercial tobacco is marked by decisive action, leading to healthier communities and a brighter, tobacco-free future for all Minnesotans.

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