By Jordan Titus - Senior Public Relations Specialist

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Q&A: Blue Cross teams up with Homeward to focus on care in Greater Minnesota

February 23, 2023

Across the United States, 80 percent of rural counties lack a sufficient number of primary care providers, according to the National Rural Health Association’s Policy Institute. In Minnesota, a 2022 report from the Department of Health’s Office of Rural Health and Primary Care concluded that the lesser populated areas of the state face a “severe shortage” of all provider types.

As a result, many Minnesotans who reside outside of the Twin Cities area may be more apt to delay effort to seeking out care—or even forego care altogether—due to geographic limitations.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota is working to bridge this gap along with Homeward,  a new provider in our network.

Beginning this spring, Homeward’s care offerings, which include in-home visits, community and mobile-based clinics, and remote monitoring, will be available to Medicare Advantage members in 24 outstate counties throughout Minnesota.

We sat down with Dr. Mark Steffen, Chief Medical Officer at Blue Cross, and Dr. Aaron Friedkin, Chief Business Officer at Homeward, to learn more.

Aaron Friedkin, MD, MS

Interviewer: Why Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota? What does the plan mean to you?

Dr. Friedkin: Minnesota was a priority state for us from the start. Our CEO is originally from Winona, Minnesota. Based on our outside analysis, we saw that 40 percent of Blue Cross members reside in less populated areas. Working with Blue Cross, with its clear history of innovation and commitment to the communities it serves, was top of mind for us at Homeward.

To be successful, we’ll need to partner with existing providers in these communities, along with great collaborators like Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota. There is nobody better than Blue Cross to introduce us into the state.

Interviewer: What can providers expect from Homeward?

Dr. Friedkin: First and foremost, they can expect us to help serve these communities with a commitment to collaboration and partnership. Our business is specifically focused on the senior population, and Medicare Advantage is still relatively new to the state of Minnesota. So we bring a level of expertise that can complement providers with total population health. They can also expect ongoing openness in working together on our shared goals of taking on health inequities.

Mark Steffen, MD, MPH

Interviewer: What aspect of the agreement with Homeward are you most excited about?

Dr. Steffen: It's interesting to see a company focus on care in rural areas, as it can be a population that tends to be forgotten about in certain aspects. Trends show a divide between health outcomes for those living in outstate and urban areas. I’m excited to better impact and support all people in achieving their optimal health. There is a lot of intentionality in not just paying for care to be delivered, but rather paying for the improved health of the people that we're going to serve together.

Interviewer: The agreement will serve members who face certain geographic challenges. How does this tie back to Blue Cross’ core mission and strategic priorities?

Dr. Steffen: When we look at Blue Cross' mission and values, it’s really important that we focus on equity. Going back to the different outcomes we see in outstate versus urban areas, we know it’s through working with companies like Homeward where we can really drive overall improvement. When we first engaged with Homeward, it was important for us to know that we're absolutely mission aligned in terms of what we want to do. The rest follows from that.

The agreement between Blue Cross and Homeward is value based – meaning payment for care is tied to improving health outcomes and coordination of care for members. Value-based agreements are a strategic priority for Blue Cross as they shift financial incentives away from volume of care and toward measurable improvements in patient outcomes.

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