By Katy Schultz - Communications and Advocacy Principal

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Celebrating family caregivers this November

November 25, 2022

This month marks the 25th annual National Family Caregivers Month, a time to reflect on and recognize the important role that caregivers play.

Childcare providers are an essential part of the caregiving system, providing a safe and stable place for children to learn and grow while setting the stage for lifelong health. That’s why the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation has long been committed to supporting their grantee partners to increase access to and quality of early childhood care and education, so children across Minnesota get a healthy start.

Child care in Minnesota

Recent research has highlighted the current state of early childhood care and education in Minnesota, revealing that care providers are facing challenges in meeting the demand for care in their community, and in having the structural support needed to ensure they can remain in business.

One recent report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and First Children’s Finance shows that half of Minnesota childcare providers are unsure of how long they'll be able to continue providing care, given things like unpredictable enrollment, hiring challenges, and inflation. Another report from the Center for Rural Policy and Development indicates that childcare providers in Greater Minnesota are leaving the industry at a faster rate than people are entering the profession.

These are concerning trends, considering that access to quality early childhood care and education is critical to the health and vitality of the state. Amid this crisis, it is crucial to uplift the many people and community organizations working to ensure that all Minnesota children are cared for, and whose efforts can be a model for others.

Supporting providers for greater impact

The Blue Cross Foundation has long focused on supporting childcare providers by partnering with community-led organizations that empower their community – organizations like La Red Latina de Educación Temprana (The Latino Network of Early Education).

Richfield-based La RED is an early education organization working to bolster childcare providers by offering training and support to families, friends and neighbors who care for children in Minnesota’s Latine communities. Led by founder Ruth Evangelista, La RED helps these providers navigate the early childhood system and empowers them to offer care to children that is rooted in the cultures of the families being served, through things like food, language, and community values. La RED also provides culturally relevant resources and education to providers on nutrition, physical activity, and healthy brain development.

“My vision is simple: happy, healthy and educated children,” says Ruth.


“If you have a healthy and educated community, everyone wins."– Ruth Evangelista, founder, La RED

"When we invest in community and offer them the right support and resources to provide quality early childhood care and education, we can make sure that every child has the best opportunity for lifelong health.”

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