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Sue Fautsch has lifesaving story to share on importance breast cancer preventive screenings

October 24, 2019

In honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Sue Fautsch shared her story about beating breast cancer in the fall 2019 issue of thrive., a quarterly magazine published for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota’s Medicare members.

Sue’s story was so inspirational that we took the time to ask her a few additional questions about the importance of preventative screenings and what she’s doing now.

You detected your cancer early. Can you talk about why these early screenings are so important?

If [breast] cancer is detected early, treatment is likely to be easier and there is a greater likelihood that the treatment will be successful.

If the cancer is more advanced, treatment can be more difficult. So, it’s important to make [your screenings] a priority.

Your doctor can help you schedule appropriate screenings based on what is recommended for your age, gender, family history, etc.

The story mentions you are an advocate for being screened and taking care of your health after your own experience. How do you go about raising awareness?

I share my story with everyone and anyone. Since I've been diagnosed and treated, I've had several friends, co-workers and acquaintances who have asked me for advice or come to me and said that they've just been diagnosed with breast cancer and ask to talk about it with me.

You mentioned your husband was your biggest ally during your treatment. Why does having an ally matter?

It's important to have someone who can help you and listen with you during appointments because you hear so much information.

Having someone to hold your hand, give you a hug when it gets too overwhelming and just be there when you are feeling sick, tired or sad really helps.

You’re cancer free! Congratulations! What do you enjoy doing in retirement now that its is behind you?

I am spending time with my family and friends, especially my granddaughters. I am now traveling, quilting, ringing handbells, walking our puppy and going to the cabin all the time.

Read Sue’s full story

This is only a glance into what Sue’s journey was like while battling breast cancer in 2015. Read  her full story in thrive.

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