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New to Medicare? Here's how to focus on aging well and maintaining your quality of life

June 11, 2021

The human body changes in a variety of ways as it ages. Some people fear this means they won't be able to participate in many of the activities they enjoy and they’ll simply need to accept a decline in health. However, you can continue to challenge your body to promote strength and wellness, even in the simplest of ways.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota members who are new to Medicare may not yet know about their SilverSneakers benefits, which offers free access to virtual and in-person classes for people at all skill levels. Whether you're new to personal fitness or looking for something that's new to you, there are a variety of fun and interesting options. Silver Sneakers also offers courses on proper nutrition, stress management and practicing gratitude, among others.

We’ve highlighted SilverSneakers benefits in these earlier articles:

What to talk to your doctor about

In addition to staying active and physically fit, meeting with your doctor on a regular basis is equally beneficial to your health. Together, you and your doctor can cover topics like pain management, reducing the risk of falls, medication management and improving bladder control. It’s important to have these conversations at least once per year.

Reduce your risk of falling

Falls are the leading cause of injury and death for Americans ages 65 and over, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In fact, about 3 million adults are treated in emergency departments every year due to falls. And one out of every five falls causes an injury such as broken bones or a head injury.

A simple slip or fall can lave long-term impacts on your health, especially when it leads to fractures, hospital stays and other serious complications. A routine vision exam and simple changes to your living space can make a world of difference in your safety.

Read these tips for preventing falls from thrive., a quarterly magazine for Blue Cross Medicare members.

Urinary incontinence

As embarrassing as it may seem to discuss, tens of millions of Americans experience urinary incontinence. There are a variety of reasons incontinence affects us as we get older. Sometimes it’s due to other health issues such as prostate problems, having given birth or even conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis. In other cases, it’s due to the amount of water we drink or even coughing or sneezing.

While it may feel difficult to talk about bladder control with your doctor, your discussions are confidential and bladder control can often be improved through various techniques, exercises and a change in eating habits.

Medication management

Many older Americans take multiple medications. In fact, more than one-quarter of adults over age 65 take four or more prescription drugs, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. From vitamins and supplements to physician prescribed medications, it’s important to talk with your doctor regularly to ensure you’re taking medications as prescribed, that they are all working together and they are working correctly for you.

Learn more about the importance of managing your medications in this article from thrive.

Know what screenings you need

Your health care provider can also recommend important screenings based on your age and certain risk factors.

To understand the importance, read one member’s story about taking a proactive approach to preventive screenings in this article from thrive.

Reaching Medicare age doesn’t mean trading in your walking shoes for a recliner! Maintaining your quality of life can be achieved in a variety of ways. Talk to your doctor about any questions or concerns you have about aging well. Then grab your member information and sign up for SilverSneakers to get moving.

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