By Katy Schultz - Communications and Advocacy Principal

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Blue Cross stands with LGBTQ community; opposes anti-transgender legislation

May 17, 2021

This week marks the 17th annual International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. In the time since the inaugural day was declared in 2004, much progress has been made in the fight for equal and equitable rights for the LGBTQ community. Yet so much work remains— and this has never been clearer than this year.

The Human Rights Campaign recently shared that 2021 has officially become the worst year in recent history for LGBTQ rights, with an unprecedented number of states proposing legislation that threatens the rights of the LGBTQ community.

To date, 17 states have enacted anti-LGBTQ legislation this year, including laws that make it a felony to provide gender-affirming health care to transgender youth, ban transgender girls from participating in sports and limit school curriculum that provides education about LGBTQ issues.

As Alphonso David, president of Human Rights Campaign, says, “The rights of LGBTQ people— and especially transgender people— across the country are being systematically threatened and undermined… This crisis cannot be ignored and necessitates concrete action from all those with the ability to speak out… Now is not the time for reluctance or passivity, it is time to take urgent action to protect the basic rights and humanity of LGBTQ people.”

That’s why Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota is proud to join other Minnesota businesses in decrying the spate of anti-transgender legislation across the country— including four bills that have been introduced in our own legislature.

As stated in a signed letter to the Minnesota legislature, we believe that these pieces of legislation put the power of state government behind discrimination and promote mistreatment of the LGBTQ community— particularly LGBTQ youth.

These attacks are harmful to children. They make them feel unwelcome and unsafe in their own communities— which has a significant impact on their health and the health of the community.

At Blue Cross, we’ve taken a stand against the systematic discrimination that exists in our health care system. And we remain committed to serving communities who have been marginalized by systemic inequities, including transgender and non-binary individuals and their families. We do this through our ongoing Gender Care and Service initiative, working to eliminate barriers throughout the health care system and meet the needs of the transgender and nonbinary community.

We are proud to stand with the LGBTQ community and to condemn legislation that seeks to further oppress and disenfranchise our fellow community members. We invite our peers to join us in sending this clear message— to our elected officials, our partners and our communities. Ensuring equitable rights for the communities we serve is essential in our pursuit to eliminate health inequities and make Minnesota the healthiest state it can be.

For more information

Learn about our commitment to our transgender and nonbinary members and their families.

Listen to community leaders speak about the importance of advancing equity in gender care and the damage being inflicted on the LGBTQ community through anti-transgender legislation.

Read more from Children’s Minnesota pediatrician Dr. Angela Kade Goepferd on how supporting trans kids can save lives.


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