By Paige Calhoun - Senior Public Relations Specialist

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Citizen-Soldier returns to work at Blue Cross after 13-month deployment

February 28, 2024

As a civilian, Nate Skinner works full-time in sales and account management at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota. As a solider, Nate holds the rank of Staff Sergeant in the Minnesota Army National Guard. More than a year ago, Nate was called to active duty in support of civil authorities in the southern continental U.S. Now back home, Nate says the support from Blue Cross throughout his deployment was unlike anything else he has experienced in his 12-year military career.

“You shouldn’t be penalized for serving your country, and I wasn’t,” said Nate. “In fact, it was the opposite. In terms of having to step away from my work for 13 months, Blue Cross was outstanding at every level.”

Nate works in a division of Blue Cross than is run by Senior Vice President Monica Engel. Monica has been a longtime advocate of company policies that provide assurances and continuity for associates who balance their work with military service.

“Our mission at Blue Cross is to pave the way for everyone to achieve their healthiest life, and that mission is especially true for our associates who have ties to the military and their families,” said Monica. “We are so proud to support our military associates whether they are near or far, and we are humbled by the sacrifices they make to serve this country. We want to thank Nate Skinner for his service and do everything we can to ensure he has what he needs as we welcome him back home.”

Nate said the support he received started on day one with his boss, Brad Larson.

“I will never forget it,” Nate recalled. “I was in my car when I called Brad after receiving confirmation that I was being deployed. I said, ‘I have to tell you something I’ve never told an employer before.’ After I told him the situation, his first words were, ‘Don’t worry about it, we’ll get it handled.’ That was huge. He set the tone for how the whole deployment was going to go from an employer support standpoint.”

In addition to ensuring Nate’s work responsibilities were covered, Brad also made an effort to stay connected on a personal level.

“There were times where I would be in a situation where I couldn’t communicate and he would still reach out to say, ‘Hey, how are you doing?’ He wasn’t talking shop, he was just checking in saying, ‘People are asking about you, just wanted to see how you’re doing?’ and I really appreciated that.”

Nate notes that Christina Ricke of Blue Cross’ Allies of the Military Associate Resource Group (ARG) also checked on his wife while he was away. “Christina reached out to my wife to find out how she was doing and if she needed anything. My wife is former military, and she is very self-reliant. I don’t think she asked for anything, but Christina continued to reach out periodically just to make sure. I hope Christina knows how we both appreciated that.”

Nate said he has many at Blue Cross to thank, beginning with fellow team members Steve O’Sell and Michelle Forkenbrock; Melissa Hanson, his Human Resources contact; and Violet Braithwaite and Kao Yang in payroll, who ensured the correct checks kept being deposited throughout his absence.

“They all took exceptionally good care of me,” said Nate. “To know I didn’t need to worry about any of this stuff while I was away, I just can’t thank them enough for that.”

As Minnesota’s first health plan to be designated a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon company, Blue Cross has a long history of supporting associates who have ties to the military, whether they are veteran or active-duty status, serve in the National Guard or reserves, or have family members who are serving.

Last summer, The Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) presented Blue Cross with the Above and Beyond Award for excellence in providing benefits to employees who serve and their family members.

Among the highest honors from ESGR, Blue Cross was recognized for providing pay differential and flexible scheduling, assisting with childcare, supporting military spouses, and more. ESGR’s board selects which companies to recognize based on nominations by military members or spouses who feel especially assisted and supported by employers.

Nate has worked at Blue Cross for approximately three years. He said the company’s history of supporting members of the military is what initially drew him to apply. Returning home after being deployed, he said that reputation has only grown stronger.

“Now I know firsthand when it comes to supporting members of the military Blue Cross, really walks the walk.”

Learn more

Are you an active military member or veteran looking for employment? Learn more about current job openings and the benefits Blue Cross provides here.

7 thoughts on “Citizen-Soldier returns to work at Blue Cross after 13-month deployment”

  1. Maggie Schlauderaff says:

    Thank you for your service, Nate!!

  2. Debra A Shimota says:

    Thank you, Nate, for all your service! Welcome back to Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN! You are what makes us best in class!

  3. Christina Marie Wetterling says:

    I tip my hat to Nate, his wife, and his family for their dedication to our country and for living a selfless life of service to our country. I realize that freedom is not free, and your sacrifice is appreciated. I also commend Blue Cross for the support and dedication to our Military, especially Nate and his family. This is a testament to the fact Blue Cross (in this case: Monica, Brad and Christina) see Associates as so much more than individual contributors.

  4. A Simi says:

    Thank you Nate for your continued contributions, we truly appreciate your passion to serve! Thank you Blue Cross for your unwavering support for our military associates and families.

  5. Khalil says:

    Thank you Nate for your service of our country! Welcome back!

  6. Jill M Scott says:

    Thank you for your service! This make me proud to be working with a company that supports our military members.

  7. Jennifer M. says:

    Thank you for your service Nate! Well done Blue Cross!

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