Your most common “new year, new plan” questions, answered
January 30, 2024A new calendar year also means a benefit reset for many people – perhaps you’re new to Blue Cross, have a new plan through your employer or the marketplace, or you’ve chosen a Medicare or Minnesota Health Care Program plan administered by Blue Cross. We asked our Account Management and Customer Service teams for their most received questions and are answering them for your ease.
How and where do I access the member portal?
Head to on your smartphone or computer. At the top right, just below the site search feature, click member login.
Once in, you can quickly access information and resources such as plan details and coverage, track claims, pay premiums, view your deductible and out-of-pocket maximum, and find in-network doctors and useful wellness tools.
We also offer two navigation and care management solutions available in the app store on your smartphone that allow access to additional features and services on-the-go. This chart determines the right one for your plan type.
For convenience, the username and password of your online account will be the same for the app.
If you have Coupe – an alternative health plan offered by Blue Cross – your card will say so on the front, highlighted in green. Head to and click member login in the upper righthand corner. From there, you can either login or sign up if you haven’t yet done so.
Where is my ID card?
Within a few weeks of your new plan year taking effect, ID cards for yourself and each covered family member will arrive to your home address via U.S. Mail. You can also access your ID card electronically in the online portal applicable to you (Blue Cross or Coupe) and the Blue Care Advisor and BlueCrossMN Mobile navigation solutions available in the app store.
I’m a Medicare member, how does the quarterly over-the-counter allowance benefit work?
The Medicare quarterly over-the-counter (OTC) allowance benefit entitles you to spend a designated amount to order eligible medications and health-related items. OTC medications are a reliable first line of defense for treating minor ailments, reducing the need for doctor visits and saving you money.
The benefit allows you to get over-the-counter items by going to any allowed stores or ordering by phone or online. Read more on
The Medicare OTC benefit is included with the following plans:
- Medicare Advantage
- Group Medicare Advantage
- Platinum Blue (Cost)
- Group Platinum Blue (Cost)
There is no additional premium for those who have the OTC benefit included in their plan. The specific OTC benefits vary by plan type, so be sure to review your Evidence of Coverage (EOC).
*Editor’s Note: HMO Minnesota, d.b.a. Blue Plus, is an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.