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The most important factor in choosing a health plan? Good information

October 27, 2021

Let’s face it – enrolling in or renewing a Medicare plan can feel complicated and overwhelming. Instructions can come across as highly technical, overly detailed and full of jargon. For many seniors, a common fear is unknowingly making mistakes during the annual enrollment process and winding up stuck in a plan that doesn’t fit their needs.

In fact, low “health literacy” – the ability to find, understand and use information to guide  health-related decisions and actions – can impact a person’s health more than any other factor.

Of course, good health literacy requires good resources that can bring about more clarity and minimize confusion. That’s why Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota has been working to make the Medicare enrollment process more straightforward and easier to understand. And there are simple steps that you can take to ensure you’re making the best health decisions for yourself and your loved ones.

Coming soon for Medicare members

As part of our efforts to provide clear and simple communications, Blue Cross has redesigned our Medicare “welcome packet” for the 2022 plan year. All newly enrolled Medicare Advantage, PlatinumBlue and Medicare Supplement plan members and current members renewing their Medicare Advantage plans will see these new materials coming soon.

“It’s not all kinds of papers. It’s simple, it doesn’t overwhelm you.”

We went from more than 20 pages in the welcome packet to now just a few, condensed to only the most important information you need to get to know your plan and benefits for next year. The redesign was based on feedback from Blue Cross members and other seniors.

“There are only three main bullet points. It’s very specific, direct. These are three things that will help you get set up.”

Why is health literacy important?

All pieces of the health care information puzzle are vital. Without one piece, the picture is incomplete.

Everyone should be able to find reliable health information and services, understand their choices, communicate their needs and feel confident acting on the information.

Tips for getting your questions answered
  • When it comes to questions about your plan and coverage, you can always go straight to the source – BlueCrossMN.com or call the number on the back of your member ID card.
  • Before your appointments with health care providers, write down questions so you’re less likely to forget them in the moment. It’s always okay to take notes during your appointment to help you remember the answers. If you need a little extra assistance, bring a trusted friend or family member to your appointment. And, if English is not your native language, ask about interpreter services.
  • Ask about care coordination services or additional services available that you may not be aware of – you might be surprised what services are covered that could benefit your health and well-being.

It always pays to speak up. Whether you have just one more question for your health care provider during an appointment or you contact Blue Cross about making Medicare communications easier to understand – your voice matters and someone is listening.

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