Blue Cross wellness coaches offer a helping hand in managing health
February 16, 2023Physical wellness is the combined result of incorporating a range of healthy behaviors into daily routines – including regular exercise, proper nutrition, and good sleep habits. For many people, the path to physical wellness can be difficult to navigate alone. That’s where wellness coaches from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota can help.
Coaching Programs Tailored to the Individual
Many Blue Cross plans offer access to wellness coaches, who help to set personalized health goals and plans for reaching them. Together, the coach and the Blue Cross member track overall progress, celebrate success along the way, and make adjustments as needed. Coaches can also educate members about additional resources that are available, such as a discounted gym membership or access to a registered dietician.
Meet a Wellness Coach
Tarese Guarnera has been helping people pursue their overall wellness goals for the past three years. She is passionate about supporting others and takes great satisfaction in making a difference for members in improving their overall quality of life.
“Whether they are needing to manage the side effects of a recent surgery, want to lose that last 15 pounds to reach their target weight, or to stop smoking after 40 years, being involved in people’s important lifestyle changes makes my days both purposeful and meaningful,” Guarnera says.
Learn More
Members can find out if their plan offers wellness coaching by calling the number on the back of their plan ID card and asking about a personal wellness consultation.