By Mira LaNasa - Public Relations Specialist

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Volunteering with purpose: Blue Cross associate-led groups support community organizations

May 31, 2024

A reflection of the rich diversity across our workforce can be found in the many associate resource groups (ARGs) that exist within Blue Cross.  ARGs are voluntary, employee-led organizations that foster connections based on common interests or lived experiences. Each ARG has its own distinct identity and encourages involvement in the many communities that Blue Cross serves. Most ARGs have partnerships in place with one or more community organizations across the state that share a dedicated cause or align with their identity.

Some ARGs choose to partner with organizations year-after-year, like the Allies of the Military. This ARG works with the Hastings Veterans Home, the Caregiver’s Network and Dress for Success Twin Cities, and the African American Professional Network’s (AAPN) partnership with Reading Partners Twin Cities.

Supporting our veterans

The Allies of the Military (Allies) ARG is dedicated to supporting associates with military ties – whether they are currently serving, have family who has served, or are veterans who have transitioned to the civilian workforce. Members of Allies have been volunteering at the Hastings Veterans Home since 2018, helping with an annual spring cleanup event.

As part of this work, members of Allies built raised garden beds which residents plant and harvest vegetables in that are later used in their prepared meals. Many veterans find the process of planting and growing vegetables therapeutic, says Nelson Schmidt, Allies volunteer.

“These veterans have sacrificed so much serving our country,” Nelson says. “The most rewarding part of this project is being able to talk with the veterans every year and hear how excited they are to get planting, and how the planting and growing process is beneficial to both their physical and mental wellbeing.”

Last year, the Hastings Veterans Home harvested around 800 pounds of vegetables, saving an estimated $2,000 on food costs. Some veterans and staff members have written letters thanking the Allies volunteers for contributing to their wellbeing.

The Allies annual cleanup event includes more than just vegetable planting. They also plant flower beds and perform general landscaping maintenance across the campus, as well as conduct wellbeing events like health fairs and donation drives for the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans.

“We have loved partnering with the Hastings Veterans Home. After six years, we have a loyal core group of volunteers that share a passion for helping the vets that live there,” Nelson says. “It’s an amazing feeling to be able to give back-even a little bit-and provide them with something that brings joy and healing.”

Caring for caregivers

The Caregivers Network ARG advocates, supports, educates and provides resources to those who care for a loved one at every stage of their life journey. In 2024 the ARG is partnering with Dress for Success Twin Cities, an organization dedicated to empowering women through employment. Dress for Success teaches career and workplace skills to low-income women to help them achieve career advancement and economic stability.

Blue Cross has been a proud supporter of Dress for Success for many years. Blue Cross employees recently volunteered at the Power of You fundraiser in March and at a recent clothing drive, where they were able to process more than 300 pounds of clothing, shoes, accessories and purses.

Ashley Pattain, Caregivers Network co-chair, has been involved in the organization for several years. She saw the overlap in the organization’s mission with the Caregivers Network and brought the collaboration to life.

“This partnership is a perfect match as it allows us to extend our support to the clients that Dress for Success serves, many of whom are caregivers striving to balance their responsibilities while seeking economic independence ,” Ashley says. “Our values align seamlessly, enabling us to collaboratively empower and uplift caregivers within our community.”

The Caregivers Network looks forward to continuing its partnership with Dress for Success, including the Empower Her 5K in July, of which the Caregivers Network is a proud sponsor.

“It feels amazing to support an organization that has such a profound impact on the community,” added Ashley. “Dress for Success empowers women and provides them with the tools and resources they need to be their best selves. Being part of this effort is incredibly rewarding, as we can see the tangible positive changes in the lives of the women they assist.”

Addressing health inequities through education

The African American Professionals Network (AAPN) promotes respect for personal distinctions and to foster an environment and culture where associates of African descent can achieve their full potential. For eight years, AAPN has been a proud supporter of Reading Partners Twin Cities, an organization aimed at providing students with the reading support necessary to read at grade level by fourth grade.

This year, AAPN supported Reading Partners’ annual Bee and Brew event at Urban Growler in St. Paul to raise funds for the 2024-2025 school year. The event looks back on the previous school year, shares highlights, and ends with a team spelling bee competition among sponsors and attendees.

“This partnership aligns with the AAPN’s goals of community engagement in helping to close the statewide reading and achievement gap between white students and students of color,” says Tom Noon, AAPN chairperson. ”Reading is essential in addressing health inequities that exist in Minnesota, so it’s important we ensure children are set up for success.”

The AAPN plans to continue to support Reading Partners in the coming school year and hopes to educate others about how to get involved, especially Blue Cross associates who can utilize their paid volunteer time off hours to be a tutor.

Get involved

Learn more about the organizations supported by Blue Cross ARGs:

Hastings Veterans Home

Dress for Success Twin Cities

Reading Partners Twin Cities

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