Catching up with Maryann, global traveling senior dancer and Blue Cross member
June 18, 2024The last time thrive. magazine spoke with Blue Cross member Maryann Kudalis, she shared how her love of dance has allowed her to stay active. Now, two years later, 72-year-old Kudalis has checked back in with thrive. to share how that passion for staying active has brought her around the world.

thrive.: I heard you’ve done quite a bit of traveling since we last spoke. Where have you been?
Maryann: Two of my vacations were dance trips — one was Playa Del Carmen, and recently at the end of February, I went to Cuba with Awakened Dance. We had a wonderful time and learned some Cuban dances. It was fun, interesting and opened me up to another view of dancing and the stories behind it. I also have traveled to New Mexico with my book club and went to Cambodia and Vietnam last fall.
I was so worried about my trip to Vietnam and Cambodia because of all the climbing. I realized I was dependent on handrails, and so I practiced walking up and down stairs without holding on. It really built my confidence and I was going up and down stairs and in and out of boats with no problem!
thrive.: Are you still dancing regularly?
Maryann: I still dance with (longtime dance partner) John. We try to dance once a week although we’ve both been traveling more, so we get together when we can.
Recently, I decided I wanted to be a better technical dancer, and I wanted to try Pro-Am dancing and be paired up with a dance professional. I thought, if I don’t try Pro-Am now, I’m never going to because I’m in my 70s. I ended up with Martin Pickering at Cinema Ballroom. Working with him, I’m getting much better at just being aware of my body, relaxing, getting in the right position, and realizing where I am in space. It’s helping even more with my balance and my muscles.
Learn more
To learn more about other ways Maryann likes to stay active and the goals she’s setting her sights on in the future, click here.
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