By Vayong Moua, MPA - Director of Racial and Health Equity Advocacy

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Blue Cross supports racial justice legislative resolution

December 14, 2020

For the first time in Minnesota’s history, the legislature has formed a committee explicitly named for and dedicated to racial justice. The undeniable adversity of 2020 led to House Resolution 1 in July which declared racism a public health crisis, resolved to actively participate in the dismantling of racism and created the House Racial Justice committee.

The committee might be new, but the negative impacts of racism certainly are not. Racism was a public health crisis long before Covid-19 and the murder of George Floyd. But it wasn’t being addressed in a meaningful way within social determinants of health. Research from the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has shown that preventable, avoidable and unjust inequities in health, education, wealth, housing and more have a significant impact on people’s ability to be healthy. And these inequities are all symptoms of intergenerational and structural racism.

Addressing a structural problem with structural solutions

Science and generations of community wisdom resoundingly confirm the fact that racism is real and cross cutting. Structural problems like racism, require structural solutions in governance such as the racial equity efforts of the House Racial Justice committee. Their work is designed to strengthen racial equity in the House’s legislative policies and practices and to set measurable goals to advance racial equity in government. By addressing how decisions are made upstream, we can achieve lasting community transformation.

On October 13th, I had the honor of testifying on behalf of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota to share recommendations with the committee based on our organization’s experience, community relationships and advocacy track record.

These recommendations include:

  • Form a Senate committee on racial justice to ensure bicameral [House and Senate] balance in reviewing bills and applying racial, health and intersectional equity analysis
  • Form a racial and health equity cabinet for the Governor and institute an administration-wide cultural and ethnic community leadership council
  • Embed anti-racism, intercultural competence and racial equity analysis into legislative orientations, as well as Senate and House research staff competencies
  • Insert racial and health equity standards and analysis into fiscal notes, so that bills are assessed by cost and equity impacts

Blue Cross commitment to racial and health equity

Blue Cross has a long history driving positive change with the key elements of preventable death and disease and is dedicated to continuing this legacy by advancing racial and health equity across the full spectrum of social determinants of health―from upstream factors all the way to care delivery.

To combat the magnitude of structural racism, Blue Cross must deliberately and explicitly be dedicated to reducing inequities. We recognize the need to do this deep within our own organization and in partnership― supporting communities experiencing racism: Black, Indigenous, LatinX, Asian Pacific Islanders and all people of color.

We are also committed to building intersectional alliances with the LGBTQ, (dis)ability and low wealth communities to eradicate the roots and branches of racism and inequity. Racial and health equity is necessary to make a healthy difference in people’s lives and we will continue growing as an organizational priority.


Editor's Note: The next meeting of the House Racial Justice committee will be livestreamed on Thursday, December 17 at 1pm. Watch it here:

One thought on “Blue Cross supports racial justice legislative resolution”

  1. Ray Lewis says:

    Are there current examples of race equity notes attached to legislative proposals?
    “ Insert racial and health equity standards and analysis into fiscal notes, so that bills are assessed by cost and equity impacts”.

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