By Sara Mulder - Public Relations Manager

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Take 5: Celebrating Women’s History month with Blue Cross SVP Monica Engel

March 14, 2023

Take 5 is a series in which we pose five questions to a Blue Cross associate and learn more about who they are, what they do, and how they help our members live their healthiest lives.


In this edition of “Take 5”, we talk with Monica Engel, senior vice president and president of government markets at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, in honor of Women's History Month.

1. What female leaders have had a positive influence on you?

I have been blessed with many strong female influences in my life. My mom was my first role model and will always be my biggest inspiration. I’ve also had the pleasure of working with many talented women here at Blue Cross, across the industry and with the Women’s Health Leadership TRUST.

What I value most in my relationships with female leaders is having a thought partner who works side-by-side, providing open, honest feedback. These are leaders who have high integrity and compassion while also bringing grit, drive and determination to their successes and career growth.

Last but not least, they bring a willingness to “straighten a crown” when needed, providing reassurance and support. And while I recognize that we’re celebrating Women’s History Month, I would be remiss not to mention the privilege I’ve had working alongside many great male leaders as well.

2. What habits have become essential to your success?

Being genuine and sincere, strong listening skills, providing feedback, leading by example, and rolling up my sleeves when needed.

3. What are you currently reading? Podcasts? What organizations are you part of?

I’m just about done reading Legacy by James Kerr, which is about the All Blacks, New Zealand’s national rugby team, and what makes them so good at the game. The book shares the importance of humility, teamwork, staying authentic and making sacrifices to achieve goals.

No podcasts at the present time, but many mornings I choose to listen to music on my way commute into the office. I have my own rendition of carpool karaoke!

I am an active member of the Women’s Health Leadership TRUST, Women Business Leaders, Fundraising chair for Scout Troop 325 and I also serve on the board of the New Prague Swim and Dive Booster Club, Northern Star Scouting & Minnesota Council of Health Plans.

4. What advice has stuck with you throughout your career?

There are several pieces of advice I keep close. Some are simple mantras such as: Make a difference every day, in some way. Be grateful and share your gratitude with others. Remember, life goes on. And when I was newly promoted into a leadership position, someone reminded me, “Don’t get so full of yourself as a leader that you forget to pick up the broom.”

Finally, and this is one of my favorites: While advice can be helpful, you should also honor your own instincts. Be honest with yourself about what you want to do and try not to worry too much about doing what people expect you to do or what they think you should be doing.

5. Were there any “difference maker” moments in your career where a mentor or someone influential helped you in some way with your career? How has it influenced your leadership style?

One example, a few years back was that I had received feedback from a leader when I was in working through some challenging industry changes – “Just fix it, I don’t care how, just fix it.” At first it seemed as though I was on my own, but in the end, it made me work harder, think differently, collaborate better, move quicker and gain the confidence needed to know I can work my way through big, difficult challenges.

Over the years, I have been blessed to work with so many wonderful people. Recently, a team member sent me feedback after an all-staff meeting: “Monica, thank you for bringing a sense of calm and for helping me to feel like the change we’re going through is all going to be okay.  It’s going to be better than okay; it’s going to be great!”  

Finally, I want thank Dana Erickson for making an impact on me and many others when she first took the reins as our CEO in November 2021. At an event, Dana shared one of her mentoring experiences she had earlier in her career. She was asked by this mentor, “If you owned the company, would you hire you today?” Her message about how we show up every day matters is a great reminder for all of us. It matters in how we show up as associates in our work together and to our members.

Dana also provided her insight and encouragement on how important it is to take time to recharge. Having been committed to the mission of Blue Cross for over 30 years, it was that much more meaningful to receive such a great reminder and inspiration from the first female CEO in our company’s history.

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