By Mira LaNasa - Public Relations Specialist

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An annual tradition – Blue Cross Asian Circle group celebrates Diwali and Hmong New Year

December 27, 2023

Throughout November and December, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota celebrated the many contributions of the company’s Asian Circle associate resource group (ARG).

The group promotes a commitment to diversity while supporting the elimination of health disparities in Asian communities.

“As we celebrate Diwali and Hmong New Year, we recognize and honor the tradition of the diverse community at Blue Cross,” says Nash Shaikh, chief of staff to the president and CEO at Blue Cross and Asian Circle executive sponsor. “We embrace the richness of our collective tapestry, fostering an inclusive environment where every associate’s cultural heritage is valued and appreciated.”


Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, is India’s biggest holiday of the year. The Asian Circle celebrated this event on November 15 by sharing Indian cuisine, playing games and learning Bollywood dancing, all with the aim to foster additional insight on the cultural traditions associated with Diwali.

“Personally, my favorite part of the event is the dancing because it brought everyone together. It really felt like Diwali,” says Maria Bitanga, principal service design consultant at Blue Cross and one of the event coordinators. “The music had everyone moving to the beat, lots of smiles all around. Embracing other people’s cultures through participation is so crucial.”

More than 100 associates joined the celebration, which marked Asian Circle’s tenth year in celebrating Diwali. Guest speaker Vallabha Tantry, national coordinator of the Hindu Heritage Month initiative, discussed the importance of Hindu Heritage Month, Diwali’s origins, the different festivals that lead up to Diwali, and how the holiday is celebrated around the world.

“People can learn more about Diwali by being open to learning and exploring. There are so many books and articles online, however, experiencing Diwali firsthand is the best way to submerge in the culture,” says Bitanga. “Visiting a Hindu Temple or asking friends who practice Hinduism or are of Indian or South Asian heritage about the festival are great ways to start learning more.”

Hmong New Year

Every year on the weekend following Thanksgiving, Minnesota’s Hmong community celebrates Hmong New Year at the St. Paul River Centre. Members of the Blue Cross Medicaid team and select associates from other areas of the organization were on hand to join in the festivities and share information about Medicaid redeterminations.

Additionally, The Asian Circle hosted the first-ever celebration of the Hmong New Year at the Blue Cross headquarters in Eagan. The event attracted around 70 associates and featured guest speaker and Minnesota State Representative, Kaohly Vang, who spoke about Hmong history and the different ways Hmong New Year is celebrated.

“My favorite part was hearing from Kaohly,” Dao Vang, risk adjustment specialist and Asian Circle member says. “She’s a great speaker and presented in a fun and easy to understand manner.”

Guests were invited to watch Hmong dancers, enjoy cultural foods and learn more about Hmong culture, both inside and outside the walls of Blue Cross.

“Going to Hmong Village or Hmong Town in St. Paul is the easiest way to experience Hmong traditions on a daily basis,” Vang says. “Another big event is the Hmong International Freedom Sports Event at McMurray Field in St. Paul over Independence Day weekend.”

Members of the Asian Circle said they look forward to celebrating these holidays in future years to continue to spread cultural awareness.


Click here to learn more about the other Blue Cross ARGs.