Our Social Impact

2020 Report to the Community

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota's long-term effort is to provide health care to Minnesotans that is easy to get, affordable and within reach. This report is a snapshot of our progress and summarizes the achievements of our social impact initiatives in 2020.

About the Report

At Blue Cross, we take a holistic approach to improve and sustain the health of Minnesotans across the state. Achieving health equity requires recognizing that everyone's wellbeing is inextricably linked to the places where we live, work, learn and play.

This guiding principle was never more clearly articulated than in 2020 as our state faced dueling public health crises: Covid-19 and a global reckoning for racial justice. These crises shifted the focus of our priorities and resources and will continue to shape our community and social efforts for years to come.

We are excited to share some of our success stories of 2020 and how they build a path toward a healthier future for all.

View the full report

COVID-19: Responding to the Moment

The COVID-19 pandemic took a rapid and devastating toll on the lives of many Minnesotans, starting in spring 2020. Blue Cross quickly sprang into action and partnered with key players within the health care ecosystem to identify and provide what was immediately needed to protect the health of Minnesotans.

Check out these highlights of our impact during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Racial and Health Equity

In the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, Blue Cross declared racism as a public health crisis. Our executive leadership team pledged to combat racism and injustice in all its forms, and to address the health inequities brought to light by the pandemic.

Listen to our racial and health equity leaders about our efforts and how we can push forward change.

Addressing health inequities

The future of Blue Cross depends on all voices coming to the table and feeling heard and represented. In this video, Rosemond Sarpong Owens, the health equity integration director for Blue Cross, discusses goals and future strategies for impacting systemic racism and removing barriers and access to health for Black, Indigenous, and people of color throughout the state of Minnesota.

Hear more from Rosemond here.

Changing power dynamics through equity, diversity and inclusion

Racial and health equity, and its impact on BIPOC communities, diagnoses the root cause of health and racial inequities as structural racism itself. Vayong Moua, the Racial and Health Equity Advocacy Director for Blue Cross, discusses his personal reasons for joining our team and how we're working to ensure all communities of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds have what they need for fair and just health outcomes.

Hear more from Vayong here.

Our focus areas

Our work in these areas demonstrates the purpose and commitment to our strategic goal: make health care easy to use, more affordable and tangible for all Minnesotans.


All people should have opportunities to live the healthiest lives possible. We target factors to improve health on a community scale.

Health Care

Where our health care system isn't keeping up with people's needs, we're making efforts to improve care, outcomes and experiences.


Our health, choices and environment are intimately connected. We strive to make the world cleaner, safer and an easier place to live and breathe.

2020 Social Impact

Highlights and Stories

Blue Cross increases access to virtual care to aid in social distancing and minimize Covid-19 exposure

These offerings are ways we’re working to make it easier for our members to continue to see their regular doctor or therapist.

Read more

1,500-plus pounds

of produce from the Giving Gardens donated to local food shelves.

Source: Blue Cross internal community investment data 2020.

Reflecting the diversity of our communities

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation is excited to have three new leaders on its board of directors to be more representative of the communities we serve throughout Minnesota.

Meet the leaders

98% of associate

reported voting in the 2020 general election.

30,223 hours

were volunteered by 1,078 Blue Cross associates in 2020, putting us at 47,723 hours toward our 2025 goal of 100,000 hours.


members have expanded access to mental health support through Learn to Live online programming.

Learn to Live is an independent company that provides online cognitive behavioral therapy programs and services.

$14.8 million

total given to charitable organizations in 2020. Combined with last year's total of $15.5 million, this brings us to $30.3 million toward our $100 million goal by 2025.

Source: Blue Cross internal community investment data 2020.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota announces $750,000 commitment to Second Harvest Heartland

Read more

$1.4 million

granted from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation to 40 nonprofits supporting efforts related to child care, food access, economic insecurity, anti-xenophobia, homelessness and housing insecurity.

Source: Blue Cross internal community investment data 2020.

80,000-plus masks

were made by volunteers through a Blue Cross statewide mask-making campaign to donate to health care providers and community nonprofits to protect against Covid-19.

Source: Blue Cross internal community investment data 2020.

60,000 members

who were identified as high-risk for Covid-19 complications were reached out to by 50 case managers to help answer questions and concerns and connect them with helpful resources.

62% reduction

in material waste since 2018.

Source: Blue Cross internal facilities data 2020.

Super Tuesday ready: Blue Cross prepares associates for 2020 election season

See how


Minnesotans will be positively impacted by the cost and quality of care through a new five-year, value-based care agreement between Blue Cross and Allina Health.

Allina Health is an independent company that provides access to health care services.

20-hour increase

was given for volunteer paid time off for associates, for a total of 40 hours per associate.

Building structural solutions

Blue Cross supported a racial justice legislative resolution, which declared racism a public health crisis and created a new House Racial Justice committee.

View testimony

34% cut

in Blue Cross's headquarters carbon footprint reaching our emissions reduction goal of 25% four years early.

Source: Blue Cross internal facilities data 2020.

Establishing new standards for excellence in gender care

We’re committed to ending systemic discrimination against the transgender and nonbinary community in our health care system.

Learn more

Free 30-day

memberships were offered by Nice Ride to health care workers to help them get to work

Moving Forward Together

2021 brings a new set of opportunities to advance our social impact work.

We look forward to strengthening relationships within our communities, to discovering new collaborations, and ultimately, identifying, together, new strategies to combat racism and reshape the health care system from the inside out.

Be sure to check out the 2020 Social Impact report!

Read the full report

Interested in the report from 2019? Download here.

Check out our annual
Social Impact report
to see how measurable progress was made throughout Minnesota.